Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tomorrow is the day!- Intelligender

I got my intelligender test in the mail today. It requires first morning urine (FMU) so tomorrow is the day. Get ready all! And on tomorrow's post, all those who want to be included in the giveaway need to leave a comment.

Until tomorrow....


Jocee Bergeson said...

Can't wait! How much do the test cost? I want to win it (although it will be a long while until I use it). Maybe you want to require that the winner be prego and that she report back so we can see if it is accurate?!

Callie, Shawn and Braxton said...
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jon and whit said...

pick me! pick me! i thought i'd for sure get the last one cuz i was the first to comment, but i didn't win so i waited this time haha!! it might be bogus but i'd be willing to try it!!!

jon and whit said...

oh dang it i didn't read very well... i got so excited! i guess i'll be commenting again tomorrow haha sorry! good luck with YOUR test though!!