Monday, September 8, 2008

Motherhood Tip- Learning to Read

Right Now I am teaching my four year old to read. I just thought I would pass on the tip that has worked really well for me. It is a book called, "Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons." It is a structured curriculum that tells you exactly what to say, and how to teach your child to read. It is working wonders with my son, and it is easy for me to do. Having a curriculum has been the only thing that has made this task less overwhelming for me.

My dear friend also gave me this awesome website to use. My son enjoyed this website, and navigated himself around it for a whole hour yesterday! That's a huge success in my opinion! The website is It's not really a curriculum, so it would definitely need a plan of action if it was the only resource used in teaching a child to read. I'll try to contact her and find out how she uses it.

If any one else has any techniques that they used and they would like to share, please leave a comment. As mothers, we need all the help we can get, don't we?


attack of The Mouse said...

My friend who is an amazing educator is teaching her 3 small children and just started a blog with the ideas she is using to teach her little ones. She also includes ways to teach the gospel. She is the best.

Monson Family Fitness said...

They use starfall in the school's an awesome tool for reading!