Tidbits will be posted randomly, with whatever short tips or ideas I think of. Today's tidbit came to mind because I am taking an antibiotic right now. So while it's on my mind, I'll post it as a tidbit.
Why do we get yeast infections, and why are we more likely to get them while taking antibiotics?
There are two ways to treat a yeast infection. One- kill off as much yeast as possible. Killing yeast is fairly easy to do with an over-the-counter cream (Monistat or whatever is cheap). Two- add good bacteria to your body. You can do this by eating yogurt or taking acidopholus pills straight (available in any grocery store's vitamin section).
I had a yeast infection when I lived in Korea and b/c I didn't have a clue how to get a perscription, I tried drinking tons of cranberry juice. I literally drank GALLONS and GALLONS of this stuff every day (which I had to purchase on the army base...not convenient at all) and it didn't help ONE BIT....oh, that wasn't fun.
Isn't thrush a form of yeast infection you get when you are breast feeding? I had trouble with that with my last baby . . . miserable. The doctor told me to get Monistat, but the pharmacist told me to get athletes foot cream. He said it would work just the same, and it did, for about a quarter of the price.
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