Monday, October 20, 2008

16 week ultrasound

Well I convinced my dr to do an ultrasound today
.It's either a boy with tiny parts or a girl with big parts. Totally inconclusive. The baby cooperated just right, I don't think he/she ever even moved, just gave us a great shot of it's genitals. But we couldn't decide what those genitals were. It kind of looked like labia, but with a pretty big clitoris. So I guess I'll need to get another u/s next week and see. I told my doctor I needed a %, so he said 60% girl. But he wouldn't go higher than that. I'm glad at least that there is a higher % of girl than boy. But unfortunately, I going to have to muster up some more patience. What do you think it is?


Jocee Bergeson said...

I think GIRL! I never got a Dr. to say more than 80% chance that Sage was a girl. So, not getting a high percentage chance (in my experience) means that you'll end up with a girl. With Drew they (after my BIL Spencer told me differently) told me 100% boy. If they're not's a girl. At least I hope that's the case w/ you, as it was w/ mine. Can't wait to know forsure! If it's a girl...SHOWER time for you (since you have all the boy stuff)! I'll wait for you to have a girl... :)

Our Loved-up Family said...

I had an ultrasound at 15 weeks and it was very clear it was a boy and that is what i got, so because it's not obvious i think it's a girl!

Erica said...

Thanks guys! I've actually totally convinced myself this little one is a boy. I'm so neurotic, I think I'll need to go pay for an ultrasound asap!

jon and whit said...

haha oh man that's tough... do you think it's harder KIND OF knowing or WAITING until closer to 20 weeks to find out?? i wanna know right NOW & i'm only 13 weeks... i'm trying so hard to be patient..not one of my best qualities! i hope it's a girl though!! that would be a fun change for you!!!

Unknown said...

I actually think girl! I couldn't wait myself, so I paid for a 4D U/S and they do early determination at 15 weeks - I was 16 wks at time of u/s...

Unknown said...

Google and ask does an m on the sonogram me girl and watch what comes up......something about white lines......

Unknown said...

Whoops wrote that wrong without double checking.....m on sonogram means girl

Tanya :) said...

I say girl two (and I've had three of 'em so far) . . . I wanna know what you said to convince the doctor to do an ultrasound! I need some serious ammo before I go in on Thursday. :)

Tanya :) said...

oops . . . too not two, sorry!

sharpest family said...

I've had 4 girls so far. That looks like girl bum to me, but what do I know...I've never seen boy on an ultrasound! Good luck on getting your girl. I'm pregnant again and hoping for a boy, I think, this time. People say I might regret that. :)